Kawhia / Raglan

fishing report

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Fishing is running really hot at present, in fact so hot this story line almost sounds like it would be a spring fishing report. The last week’s fishing has been so amazing, catching limit snapper daily by lunch time or very early in the afternoon, and good size averaging three to eight kilos.
Note: If map is showing it is created by LINZ / New Zealand Hydrographic Authority and made available by Creative Commons 3.0. Maps should not be used for navigation

Fishing is running really hot at present, in fact so hot this story line almost sounds like it would be a spring fishing report. The last week’s fishing has been so amazing, catching limit snapper daily by lunch time or very early in the afternoon, and good size averaging three to eight kilos.

Probably my favourite tide for fishing is the outgoing currently.  As soon as the tide changes, the fishing slows, but still can remain steady enough to get a feed.

We still have ideal tidal conditions next week, so the results should be the same, fingers crossed.

By-catch hasn’t been much this week, the odd shark (greys and spiney) with very little gurnard and kahawai. A few kingfish are still on the prowl also.

All our fishing has been happening in the fifty metres zone between Albatross Point and Harihari.

Just head out to the fifty line and then travel roughly along that till you find fish on the sounder.

There have been a lot of tern birds working the surface and the snapper are generally not too far away from these fellas.

I will try and get a sounder pic for my next report.

On the weather front, there’s a bit of swell over the weekend, but during the week it is looking mint, and we will be heading out there if you are keen.



Rob FitzGerald is owner and skipper of Venturer Fishing Charters, operating out of Kawhia.

Venturer fishing charters

Check Venturer Fishing Charters Kawhia out on Facebook or online - www.venturerfishingcharterskawhia.co.nz

For tackle, tips and charter options contact Rob Fitzgerald.

Ph 07 8711717 or 0272544589 or email robjac@xtra.co.nz

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