Grant BittleGetting to grips with your reel.Rod grip is step one and lays the foundation for consistent, productive mechanical jigging.
Grant BittleLine weight ratingHere’s a quick free tutorial for you on this important but often overlooked key aspect - get the best from your gear and catch the fish:
Grant BittleThe Fishing School 2025Learn how and where to catch even better fish than ever before from the experts, change your fishing future forever, now! Boat Kayak or PWCs
Grant BittleThe Espresso softbait running rigThis could be the winning ticket in so many scenarios, have you tried this? Add a new secret-weapon approach to your fishing armoury for land-based/kayak/ski and boat, worth a quick look.
NZ Fishing WorldSoftbaiting the GraveyardFrom the print archives: After a great trip soft baiting on a perfect day at the Graveyard on the Kaipara Harbour, we decided to come back and give it an even better crack.
NZ Fishing WorldA short guide to trevallyTrevally are one of the hardest fighting sport fish New Zealand has to offer yet they are surprisingly under-rated by many fishos. It may sound mad to many, but a lot of fishermen still see trevally as nothing more than fresh bait.
MPIFishery officers inspecting your blue cod catch during Marlborough opening weekendFishery officers will be inspecting catch bags and bins all weekend as the blue cod season opens throughout the Marlborough region.
MPIFishery officers and police stop men with 353 pāuaFishery officers were called in by Hawkes Bay police yesterday after they stopped a car with a big haul of pāua inside.
MPIFeedback sought on Marlborough Sounds blue cod fisheryFisheries New Zealand is seeking your ideas and feedback on proposed changes to the blue cod (rāwaru) seasonal closure in the Marlborough Sounds (Te Tauihu-o-te-waka) to reduce fishing pressure.
Grant BittleBig Auckland snapper fishing, tricks and treats, mega soft bait savers! Explore innovative techniques for soft bait fishing and take advantage of quieter weather to refine your skills, as suggested by the latest updates and fishing conditions in the Hauraki Gulf.
Grant BittleIs Your Leader Too Old?Any day now the snapper work up season will be upon us. What condition is you line in?
MPIEight fast facts about toxic shellfish poisoningNew Zealand Food Safety has some fast facts to share about toxic shellfish poisoning and how to keep yourself, your whanau and friends safe.
NZ Fishing WorldTop knot basicsMost fishos only need to know five knots. Here's what we reckon they are...
NZ Fishing WorldA short guide surfcastingSurfcasting is an effective and cheap method of fishing that the whole family can enjoy. The beauty is you don’t need a lot of gear to succeed.
Department of ConservationBull kelp die off at the Punakaiki Marine Reserve Image: DOC 10th anniversary of West Coast marine reserves markedFive of Westland’s special protected areas celebrate their 10th anniversary this month.
Department of ConservationPublic asked for sightings of pygmy blue whale freed from Kawau wharfThe Department of Conservation (DOC) appreciates the help of the Kawau community in successfully freeing a juvenile pygmy blue whale that had wedged itself underneath a private wharf on Kawau Island on Monday, and is asking the public for sightings of the whale, approximately 14-15 meters in length - Image credit DOC
NZ Fishing WorldA short guide to straylining and ledgeringStraylining and dropper (ledger) rigs are usually the first methods that people try as they’re easy, relatively cheap and can deliver good results
MPIAuckland poacher fined $15,000 for illegally trading fishAn Auckland poacher who sold or attempted to sell fish he caught illegally 35 times, has been fined $15,000.
Department of ConservationA rare basking shark on Gillespies Beach Image: DOC Rare basking shark found in South WestlandA rare basking shark found at Gillespies Beach has been removed from the beach by DOC for preservation and further study at Auckland War Memorial Museum.
NZ Fishing WorldA short guide to KingfishKingfish are regarded by many as the Holy Grail of New Zealand sport fish with good reason – they’re stunning, hard-fighting creatures that test the angler and tackle to the extreme.
MPIFish trading company fined $360,000Fish trading company fined $360,000, employee jailed for 3 years 7 months.
NZ Fishing WorldNZ Fishing World wins Best Fishing Website DesignThe NZ Fishing World and Angler's Planet team is delighted to have been awarded Best Fishing Website Design by DesignRush
MPIMātaitai reserve proposal for Moutohorā Island (Whale Island) and the Rurima Island Group,Application for a mātaitai reserve surrounding Moutohorā Island (Whale Island) and the Rurima Island Group, Bay of Plenty
NZ Fishing WorldShort guide to gurnardThe enigmatic gurnard is never going to win any awards for its fighting skills but when it comes to putting it on to the plate, there’s not many fish that can match it for taste.
Tony OrmanSouth Island Kahawai on flyThe humble kahawai is finally being recognised for the valuable sport fish which it is, and on a trout fly rod it becomes even more exciting. A fly rod will usually outfish traditional spinning tackle every time, and this method of fishing can be applied all around the country where kahawai move into river mouths. But more can be done to protect these wonderful fish.
MPICaulerpa Update - 19 June 2024In this update we report on the first meeting of the Exotic Caulerpa National Advisory Group; flag time extensions to Controlled Area Notices; and outline the actions in response to a new detection in Omaha Cove/Leigh Harbour.
Grant BittleEspresso Fishing CoachingGrant 'Espresso' Bittle invites the fishing community to provide feedback on his proposed fishing coaching seminar initiative.
John MoranHot spots in the ManukauManukau Harbour guru John Moran shares some of his hottest spots on his favourite piece of water.
Fish BitesFishbites® (Carr Specialty Baits, Inc.) Releases New Offshore Bait For 2024New product news once again coming out of the Fishbites® Manufacturing Campus in St. Augustine, Florida.
NZ Fishing WorldFinscribe App launchesfinScribe is a fishing logbook app. Not simply a memory aid and a way to feel the reward of past catches all over again, finScribe has the potential to turn its users into better anglers.
Glen BoothSkirting a lureThe shredded rubber, vinyl and other material that makes up most of our trolling lure skirts is pretty flimsy and apt to get damaged, torn or simply chopped clean off by our finny friends. Happily though, replacing them is not that difficult.
MPIProposed temporary fishery closure East CoromandelFisheries New Zealand invites written submissions in response to the request from anyone who has an interest in the species concerned or in the effects of fishing in the area concerned.
Graeme PatersonKingfish from top to bottomGraeme Paterson is always seeking new fishing experiences and to find out more about the sport. Here he combines two popular methods of targeting kingfish, and got the result he was after.
MPICaulerpa Update - 25 April 2024In this update we look at progress in the Exotic Caulerpa Accelerated Programme and advise on two new locations of exotic caulerpa in the Hauraki Gulf.
MPIKaikōura recreational pāua fishery to open for 2 monthsThe recreational pāua fishery along the Kaikōura coast opens today for a limited 2-month season.
Andrew SpearSlowing right downWe look back at the arrival of inchiku jigs in New Zealand, and offer a few reasons why you might want to revisit this super reliable technique - plus how-to set up an inchiku out of the packet.
Peter JessupSummer snapper in the Bay of IslandsFamous for its gamefishing history, the Bay of Islands can offer some of best snapper fishing action you'll experience. But there are some tricks to finding the fish and figuring which bait to use to nail the big ones.
Al McGlashenLive baiting for kingsWhen it comes to catching kingfish live bait is undoubtedly the best way to get the biggest fish. Al McGlashan lets us in on a few tricks of the trade to connect you to a big king.
John MoranBumper Season on the ManukauAfter a memorable summer when the Manukau produced the best fishing in recent memory expectations were high for the coming winter. After a slow start the winter fishing has kicked in, but the gurnard have proved contrary in their taste for baits.
NZ Fishing WorldHow to effectively fish slow pitch jigsSlow-pitch jigging: If you haven’t tried it, you should; you'll almost certainly will catch fish. Here's how to do it!
Blair WhitingSolid kingfish from my kayakFrom hook-up to the yak, this was a typically tough battling kingi. Enjoy the video
NZ Fishing WorldHow to target yellowfin tunaSome great information, hints and tips from Luke at Yeehaa Fishing if you want to target the great yellowfin tuna run this season.
Scott CushmanSurfcasting: West Coast Kaipara beaches turn up trumpsA 4WD adventure down the remote coast from Dargaville to the Kaipara Harbour entrance showed how good the beach fishing can be when fishermen are prepared to get off the beaten track. But a few tricks can make all the difference when it comes to hooking snapper in the surf.
New Zealand UnderwaterPlay 'Survive the Dive'Free dive eduction platform with gamified quiz and certification for all New Zealand divers.
Blair WhitingMako chasing jig underwaterWhat does it look like when a mako chases your jighead underwater? This short video from my kayak is a good example.
Grant Bittle2024 lure coaching workshopsAre you interested in or keen to host lure fishing workshops?
Blair WhitingKingis catch mullet livebait on cameraMultiple kingis chasing our live mullet with eventual hookup and landing on camera.
Blair WhitingMonster double gurnard hookupA serious-sized double of gurnard from my kayak tops off a good day. Yep, those are big carrots!
Bruce DuncanOf cold cans and fresh smoked fishKeeping bait, food and drinks cold on the boat or in the camp-ground can be a headache but a smart approach with the chilly bin and ice will help and when it comes to turning the catch into freshly smoked dinner there is an answer for that also.
Blair WhitingCrayfish on a rod?What it looks like when a crayfish is having a crack at your bait. Both from underwater and the rod on the boat...
NavicoSimrad introduces new Ultrawide marine displaySimrad Yachting Introduces the World’s First Fully-Featured Ultrawide Marine Display with the New NSX® ULTRAWIDE
NZ Fishing WorldBBQ tuna on asian greens with kiwifruit salsa and wonton crispsOriginally from the Auckland Fish Market Seafood School, this innovative tuna recipe may get you to think more ambitiously about the top blue-water catch.
Jason GrimmettTasline elite fishing braid reviewA user review of Tasline Elite Braid, a top choice for anglers seeking more line capacity and reliability for catching a wide range of fish, from kingfish, to hapuka and marlin.
MPIWaiheke Island: shellfish biotoxin alertAlert include bivalve shellfish such as mussels, oysters, tuatua, pipi, toheroa, cockles, and scallops, as well as pūpū (cat’s eyes), Cook’s turban and kina (sea urchin)
Scott CushmanBraid - the super-hero string offers so many benefitsWe are all familiar with the application of braid line for deep water fishing and for casting soft baits and jigs. But this unique line has the potential to revolutionise our approach in many more areas, from live baiting for kingfish to straylining for snapper.
MPICommercial fisher fined $20,000 for removal of position reporting device."When he reached the Waitui Bay area, he removed the GPR equipment, placed it in waterproof bags, attaching them to fishing buoys, tied to a rope and anchor. There is no record of where he went to from that point."
Al McGlashenTricks for trolling blue water luresThere is a lot of blue water out there and one of the best ways of covering the ground is by trolling lures. But there are still a few tricks to getting the bites.
Grant BittleCatch says, light leader catches more fishDoes light leader catch more fish? Catch Fishing thinks it does. Here's a few reason why Espresso thinks they are right...
MPICaulerpa seaweed - bag it, bin it.Some information from Biosecurity New Zealand on how you can protect the coastal waters we all love from the invasive seaweed exotic caulerpa
Blair WhitingHuge winter gurnard off WaimāramaA cold morning produced some very nice fish ! With the clean water that often is present near Waimarama, Gurnard push in very close at times, requiring not much of paddle to secure dinner.
Grant BittleWeedless SoftbaitsFor those tired of snags when softbaiting, especially in kelpy, weedy areas, the solution is a weedless rig. The Catch LIVIES, for example, have a design feature that helps them glide through such terrain, minimizing snags. The narrow top-slot on the Livies is specifically moulded for this rig, ideal for land-based fishing or in snag-prone areas.
Blair WhitingKapiti Island kayak fishing - part twoMore of a simple epic day out in the kayak near Kapiti Island. And that is a seriously good blue moki.
Blair WhitingKapiti Island kayak fishing - part onePart one of a great session on the kayak near Kapiti Island. Plenty of snapper on the chew.
XPO ExhibitionsNew Look Hutchwilco NZ Boat Show - Fully-loaded for 2024New Zealand’s largest exhibition organiser, XPO Exhibitions is grabbing the helm and promising a truly revitalised and reinvigorated Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show, 16 - 19 May 2024 at the Auckland Showgrounds
NZ Fishing WorldCrispy-skinned snapper on orange and pistachio couscous with minted yoghurt dressingFrom the Auckland Fish Market Seafood School this recipe is an interesting and delicious twist on pan-fried snapper.
NZ Fishing WorldBluefin tuna hooked from Wellington wharfBluefin tuna spotted feeding off a Wellington wharf is hooked by land-based angling mates - video sent by Fletcher Tornquist via contributor Jason Grimmett.
NZ Fishing WorldWhat is Kai Ika - and why should you care?Meet the Kai Ika Project - A collaborative effort by the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland, Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae, LegaSea, and the NZ Sport Fishing Council, redistributing previously wasted fish parts to appreciative communities, with a recent expansion to Wellington led by Chris Jupp.
Al McGlashenSwitching baits on small boats - the answer for marlin?Many anglers believe that switch baiting is a technique that is restricted to big game boats, yet as Alistair McGlashan explains with a bit of flexibility it can be just as effective from a trailer boat.
Grant BittleCurly Tail softbaits Espresso highlights the Catch Curly Tails as a versatile softbait, emphasising its unique design that attracts fish, ensures a secure fit on the jig head, and comes in various colors and textures to suit different fishing conditions.
Blair WhitingWhat is actually under my kayak?Have you ever wondered what's actually below your boats? This is a question I've always wondered. So I decided to drop a camera down and see what fish were down there.
MPIHawkes Bay: shellfish biotoxin alert 2/10/23New Zealand Food Safety is advising the public not to collect or consume shellfish gathered from Hawke Bay due to the presence of toxins.
Michael MarrisA look back at soft baitsThe soft bait revolution changed inshore fishing forever, and as it is still an experience most fishermen apply an individual approach. For one Auckland fisherman it opened up a whole new world.
Scott CushmanWhat to do when livebaits are hard to catchWhen fishing for kingfish from the rocks or in the boat, fresh live baits are always welcomed as the best offering for the kings. But the kahawai, piper or mackerel that are favoured do not always play ball and can prove frustrating to catch. There are some tricks that will help put the livie on the end of your kingfish tackle.
Grant Bittle"No Bait Comp" pre-competition seminar Join Catch Fishing for bait-free lure fishing seminars at the Mercury Bay Gamefishing Club and discover the game-changing benefits of using a light leader, enhancing your chances of a successful catch.
Geoff ThomasSnapper on piperLive piper is not commonly associated with catching snapper. But as Geoff Thomas recently found out, they are dynamite and worked a treat when taking a familiar Kiwi face out for a bit of fun.
MPIEast Cape: shellfish biotoxin alertNew Zealand Food Safety is advising the public not to collect or consume shellfish gathered from near Tolaga Bay due to the presence of toxins.
MPIFishers fined $10,500 for possession of too much snapperA group of recreational fishers caught with a total of 348 fish, including more than 9 times their collective daily limit for snapper, has been fined $10,500.
NZ Fishing World New marine protection rules and fishing bans updated in Northland areasEnvironment court ruling updates no-take/no fishing regulations in Deep Water Cove to Oke Bay, and Mimiwhangata plus trawling and seining bans around Cape Brett
NZ Fishing WorldSpearfishing NZ News - Sept 2023A update from Spearfishing New Zealand, including results from the World Championships in Spain plus upcoming local events.
MPIParalytic shellfish poisoning warning - west coast North IslandNew Zealand Food Safety has issued a public health warning against collecting shellfish along the Raglan coastline.
NZ Fishing WorldTsunami survey for boaties and fishermenGNS Science and Massey University are conducting a study to understand your needs as a watercraft user or sea-goer regarding marine tsunami warnings and advisories in Aotearoa New Zealand
Nathan & MilanThe Lateral Line: September 2023Once again on this episode of The Lateral Line, this is a strictly land-based fishing mission. Watch as the boys tackle New Zealand's toughest fishing month – August. This trip has them hopping from one land-based spot to another by boat, guided by Gene from Strictly Land-Based Fishing who's determined to hook them into some epic fishing encounters.
NZ Fishing WorldRecreational daily pāua limits reduced for lower and central North IslandEffective Monday the 4th of September, MPI has reduced the daily pāua limit to five for the lower and central North Island.
NZ Fishing WorldBottom-trawling ban for most of Hauraki GulfA press release from the Beehive outlining plans to ban bottom trawling from the Hauraki Gulf plus notification of the coming public submissions process.
Nathan & MilanThe Lateral Line: August 2023Here we go... the boys take land-based fishing to new heights - with a helicopter!
Jeff StrangFishing by the Moon: Does Lunar Phase Affect Your Catch?For generations the influence of the moon on our fishing success has been debated. Yet as with most things fishing, anecdote can be difficult to discern from evidence. Can the moon's lunar phase truly impact the bite?
Pete LambPete's Surfcasting hints and tipsIf you are interested in going fishing again, even from the shore, here's a few of my top tips for getting your surf cast game on. I'm also selling a few of my GPS and spot marks if you want to take up the offer.
Nathan & MilanThe Lateral Line: 16th July 2023Welcome back to The Lateral Line! In our last epic fishing mission in the stunning landscapes of New Zealand, the boys and girls had a ton of fun soaking up the beautiful scenery, and eating like kings & queens whilst creating some awesome memories. Here's part 2 of that adventure...
Blair WhitingMonster blue moki, thresher shark and more kayak actionThe first day of kayak fishing I spent off the Kapiti coast during June, with plenty of surprises on a windless winter morning. The method was dropping sliding kabura lures into deep water where lots of different species lurk, even through winter..
Flyn JackJigging for kingfish - Tips and techniquesGet the inside word on the art of mechanical jigging with Flyn Jack. Experience the beauty of the South Island of New Zealand, as Flyn gives advice on using this technique, the importance of a pause and half winds. Ideal for targeting Kingfish, and an informative video if you are new to fishing.
Jeff StrangSharpening Fishing Knives: The Art of Honing an EdgeOne of the most underrated yet crucial tools in any fisherman's kit is a sharp knife. A finely honed blade makes all the difference when it comes to preparing bait, filleting your catch, or performing any other cutting task at sea.
Jeff StrangFast tips to get started with livebaits and kingfish10 quick tips to get your kingfish livebait game on like a pro!
NZ Fishing World11 land-based fishing spots near TaurangaAre you need of a few tried-true land-based spots in the Tauranga area? Here's 11 wharf, beach and rock-fishing spots to get you started.
NZ Fishing WorldBeginner’s guide to land-based squid in winterAs the winter and early spring months roll through and the shallows are less productive than in warmer months, have you ever thought about chasing squid from the shore?
Flyn JackHow to fish slow pitch jigsGet the inside word on the art of slow pitch jigging with Flyn Jack. Experience the beauty of the South Island of New Zealand, as Flyn gives advice on using this technique to target Snapper, Kingfish, Trevally and Tuna.
Ocean NationMonster snapper off the rocksI love fishing during, or straight after, a storm if possible.
Fishing & AdventureFishing and Adventure S7: EP 10, The Mokohinau IslandsFull TV episode: The crew head to Whangarei for an overnight adventure at the Mokohinau Islands. They make the most of a squid session under lights before hooking into some solid kingfish and big snapper.