Bay of IslandsFebruary 13, 2024Hot marlin season and good prospects for snapper and kingfish as the fishing moves to deeper water later this month.Supplied by Darren Knapping
Hauraki GulfMarch 21, 2025The full moon brought mixed fishing fortunes, with workups producing solid snapper offshore while inshore waters delivered kingfish, trevally, and hard-fighting kahawai.Supplied by Grant Bittle
Manukau / Auckland West CoastJanuary 19, 2024Expect an increase in active fishing opportunities, with abundant snapper in the harbour post-spawning, along with kingfish, trevally, and kahawai, while flounder and grey mullet also offer rewarding catches, either through netting or spearing, amidst various fishing methods and local regulations.Supplied by Michael 'Smudge' Parker
Northern Coromandel PeninsularOctober 11, 2023Mid-Spring Coromandel update near the Mercury Islands from keen yak fisherman, Scott MacdonnellSupplied by Scott MacDonnell
Bay of PlentyMarch 21, 2025Local fishing remains productive, with solid harbour catches of snapper and trevally, improving deep-water tarakihi action, and reports of massive tuna past White Island.Supplied by Russ Hawkins
Kawhia / RaglanMarch 7, 2025Snapper fishing has been great in shallow waters, while game fishing remains strong with marlin, yellowfin, and bluefin tuna all active.Supplied by Rob Fitzgerald
Tairawhiti / GisborneSeptember 22, 2023An interview introduction to new fishing reporter Amber Clarke and Cory from Touchwood Fishing Charters in GisborneSupplied by Amber Main & Mike Clarke
Central North Island - FreshwaterApril 3, 2024The great lake is yielding quality catches, with jigging currently favoured by anglers and cooler weather bringing trolling back into play.Supplied by Hunting and Fishing Taupo
Wellington / KapitiFebruary 6, 2025Set out from Mana Twin Bridges for a fruitful day of fishing, targeting kingfish, snapper, and more, culminating in a surprising catch of a huge John Dory.Supplied by Jason Grimmett
Nelson / MarlboroughNovember 10, 2023Welcome to the first fishing update from d'Urville Island Wilderness Resort. We've seen impressive kingfish hauls lately and the usual rich variety of seafood for both anglers and spearfishers.Supplied by Craig Tatnell