Kawhia / Raglan
fishing report
April 27, 2023
October 27, 2022

The fishing is definitely in full-on spring mode, with some really nice snaps coming over the rail in our last few trips.
There’s plenty of six to eight pound fish and the odd one cracking the magic twenty mark too.
Some advice we practice when fishing out in fifty plus metres, try not to be selective on size, just take what you are given and stop when you have enough, as most of the time these fish will die if you try and return them from barotrauma. They may swim off but most probably die out of sight and mind later in many cases.
Most of the action has been firing in 50-60 metres off the bar leads.
Limits being caught most days within a few hours fishing, seriously, the snapper fishery is in incredibly good shape out here.
We’re not experiencing much in the way of bycatch currently, a few gurnard and trevs, but even the kahawai can be hard to catch some days.
Bait-wise in my opinion you can’t go past barracouta fresh or frozen. It stays on the hook and reduces loss to ‘pickers’.
I think it’s my new fav!
You can mix it up bonito on one barracouta on the other. Fresh kahawai is pretty hard to beat also.
Weekend weather not to bad, Sunday would be the pick for smaller boats.
As we head towards summer our weather should settle and the days get longer, and we are looking forward to the arrival of some of our more exotic species soon enough.
Rob Fitzgerald is owner and skipper of Venturer Fishing Charters, operating out of Kawhia.
Venturer fishing charters

Check Venturer Fishing Charters Kawhia out on Facebook or online - www.venturerfishingcharterskawhia.co.nz
For tackle, tips and charter options contact Rob Fitzgerald.
Ph 07 8711717 or 0272544589 or email robjac@xtra.co.nz

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