Kawhia / Raglan

fishing report

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What a year 2021 was! Thanks to all those that have supported us and enjoyed what the west coast has to offer. The fishing over the past few weeks has been pretty good overall. The big spawning peaks seem to have finished now and you are always going to get the odd slow days here and there.
Note: If map is showing it is created by LINZ / New Zealand Hydrographic Authority and made available by Creative Commons 3.0. Maps should not be used for navigation

What a year 2021 was! Thanks to all those that have supported us and enjoyed what the west coast has to offer. The fishing over the past few weeks has been pretty good overall. The big spawning peaks seem to have finished now and you are always going to get the odd slow days here and there.

The snapper fishing has been really good, and we are doing two trips a day, starting early morning until 2.00pm, and again from 2.00 until about 9.00pm, making the most of both light changes and usually doing very well for all on board.

We’ve seen some great size fish up to 8kg, with the majority around a healthy 2 to 6kg, really good eating sized fish and in good condition generally.

The gurnard have been around in great numbers and they are a nice size.

Most people on board prefer these to snapper, for the table, so it’s always nice to have the variety offered by a few carrots in the bin.

Fresh kahawai or mackeral seems to be the favourite flavour bait for the gurnard.

Most of our fishing is happening in the 40-50 metres off the bar leads.

This may change to further south off Albatross Point as we move into the new year.

The fish seem to move deeper as we head further into January, to about 50 -60 metres, then in February it’s often best to angle further south to Harihari and start targeting in 40-50 meters.

We have not seen much in the way of kingfish action recently, which really surprises me, and the usual weekly catches just have not been there.

There’s plenty of bait fish around, and the water is a stunning blue colour which bodes well for the game fishermen, especially if last season is anything to go by.

We did see a sunfish not too long ago but no billfish so far.

I have been told albacore tuna are still out very deep, but early January should have them moving further into range.

Please take care out there over the next week or so as the weather is looking pretty average with only small weather windows.

Best wishes, have a great Christmas and we will catch you in the new year.

Cheers from Rob and the rest of us at Venturer charters

Rob Fitzgerald is owner and skipper of Venturer Fishing Charters, operating out of Kawhia.

Venturer fishing charters

Check Venturer Fishing Charters Kawhia out on Facebook or online - www.venturerfishingcharterskawhia.co.nz

For tackle, tips and charter options contact Rob Fitzgerald.

Ph 07 8711717 or 0272544589 or email robjac@xtra.co.nz

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