The government’s Fisheries Reform 2025 may impact your success as a recreational fisher—have your say before it's too late!
The government’s proposed Fisheries Reform 2025 could significantly impact your access to a healthy fishery as a recreational fisher, and the long-term sustainability of our marine environment.
Leading recreational fishing advocate Sam Woolford (LegaSea) warns:
“These changes are designed to remove public consultation and public scrutiny of the commercial fishing industry, which ironically has access to our public resources. They freely use words like ‘sustainable’ and ‘responsible,’ but actions speak louder than words. If there’s nothing to hide, then why all the secrecy?”
According to Legasea key proposed changes include:
⚠️ Removing public consultation from fisheries decision-making, including catch limit changes.
⚠️ Allowing commercial fishers to dump unwanted catch at sea instead of bringing it ashore.
⚠️ Letting commercial fishing operators carry forward unused Annual Catch Entitlement (ACE).
The commercial fishing industry has been pushing for these changes for years—now is the time to push back. Public submissions have stopped bad legislation before, and your voice matters.
📝 Make a submission here:
📅 Deadline: April 11, 2025
👉 The submission form may look complex, but it’s easier than it seems once you get started.
📖 For reference, review the official consultation document here:
Want more information?
📖 Read the Hon Shane Jones, the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries press release here:
🎧 Listen to Radio NZ's ‘The Detail’ podcast for in-depth background:
💬 Join an online public meeting:
📅 Session 4 – Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 3–4 PM
🔗 Register here:
Spread the word—let’s make sure Kiwi fishers aren’t left out of the conversation! 🎣