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Feedback sought on Marlborough Sounds blue cod fishery

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Fisheries New Zealand is seeking your ideas and feedback on proposed changes to the blue cod (rāwaru) seasonal closure in the Marlborough Sounds (Te Tauihu-o-te-waka) to reduce fishing pressure.

Your input is also sought in developing a package of wider potential measures to ensure long-term sustainability of the fishery. Submissions can be made by email or post using the form provided, before 5pm on 1 December 2024.

"We’re considering a range of options and management tools to address overfishing and increase abundance of blue cod in the Marlborough Sounds," says Emma Taylor, director fisheries management.

"The area sees very high levels of fishing effort, particularly in the holiday period, which, when combined with other factors such as sedimentation and marine heatwaves, is affecting the health of the fishery. This is despite catch limit reductions and other changes over the past decade."

Following a 2021 potting survey which indicated that the amount of fishing in the area was significantly higher than can be sustainably supported by the fishery, the commercial catch limit (TACC) for Marlborough Sounds blue cod was reduced.

An advisory group of tangata whenua, fishers, and local residents was also formed to identify measures to reduce fishing pressure and increase abundance in the fishery. The group met throughout 2023 and identified several potential measures to improve sustainability and abundance for the fishery.

We are now seeking public feedback on a proposal to extend the seasonal closure, which currently runs from 1 September to 19 December 2024. If approved, the new season would apply from the end of 2025 onwards.

We are also seeking public input on a range of wider measures for future implementation identified by the group, such as:

  • closure of spawning areas to fishing to rebuild spawning populations
  • reduction of the combined daily bag limit for finfish in the area
  • options to increase information on recreational fishing, such as voluntary catch reporting
  • an educational campaign to improve fishing practices
  • tools to mitigate release mortality.

"Marlborough Sounds blue cod are a taonga, and iconic for many Kiwis. We want to hear from fishers, tangata whenua, the local community, and anyone else with an interest in the fishery," says Emma Taylor.

Submissions can be made online or by mail until 5pm on 1 December 2024.

More information, including on how to make a submission

There will be 2 public drop-in information sessions to present information and assist with making submissions:

  • Tasman Bay Cruising Club in Nelson/Whakatū on Tuesday 12 November 2024 (4.30pm to 7.30pm)
  • Queen Charlotte Yacht Club in Picton/Waitohi on Thursday 14 November 2024 (4.30pm to 7.30pm).

For further information and general enquiries, email

For media enquiries, contact the media team on 029 894 0328.

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