Wellington / Kapiti
fishing report
April 27, 2023
November 18, 2022

Fishing Report Wellington 18th November.
A great run of settled weather has really given Wellington Fisho’s a good opportunity to get out there and into it, with some excellent fishing off every coast.
I’ve been out quite a bit, done a few charters and enjoyed some good results across the board.
Land based and surf casting has been great with clearer water and pleasant conditions.
The moki 1000 fishing comp went well last weekend at Ngawai, with a fair number of fish caught, the largest going 4.3 kilos.
Over Palliser Bay way the moki fishing has generally been pretty good, and there’s also been plenty of snapper caught too, but the season is early and we expect this to only get better as we get closer to December.
It’s been very fishable off south and west coast, a little dirty water at times but mostly pretty good, and snapper fishing north towards Kapiti has been particularly nice, my mate landing a nice 7 kilo fish north of Te Horo.
By boat, Kapiti is the place to be fishing, with recent reports from there anglers doing really well on snapper, trevs and gurnard off all the fishable reef systems out there. Good weather has really made this a top destination and warm water, around 18 plus degrees, has ramped up the bite.
Kapiti tends to be fishing better than Mana, which we have found a bit patchy on snapper.
Makara is producing good fish, and a spearo shot a 10-kilo fish here last week.
A few nice puka turning up out wide off the west coast, with the odd 20 kilo fish in the mix.
I don’t get out to the Trench that often nowadays, but I was pleased to make it out with a couple of mates for some great fishing, topped off by around a 25 kilo bluenose hauled up from 280 metres in our favourite bass patch.
There’s good kingies and gemfish in a bit shallower too.
Out at Hunters the water was so clear kingfish were chasing jigs to the boat but not taking them, which can sometimes happen when the conditions are too good!
There’s been a good run of john dory, and some big ones, which are naturally a fantastic table fish and always welcome on board.
You’ll pull these fish out of any shallower areas of foul around all coastlines, best targeted with livies, and a great by-product can sometimes be a good kingfish or snapper. If you’re keen on giving this a go HERES HOW:
We got a swag of really decent one to two kilo teri’s off Boom, which is a really pleasant place to fish in some of the weather conditions we’ve been enjoying.
Make the most of it while you can
See you out there

027 443 9750
Shop - 15 Kingsford Smith St, Rongotai
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Pete Lamb
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