Hauraki Gulf
fishing report
May 6, 2022

Solid Autumn style fishing abounds whether you’re in the shallows, or mid-depth and deeper. All sorts from trevally to kahawai, gurnard, snapper and kingfish, JD and a few more types of fish too, it’s time to get into ‘em…here’s some good oil.

The fight and flight of white terns over mackerel on anchovies is attracting the attention of so many birds, fish, cephalopods, marine mammals…you name it, they all can be in the midst of the melee or skirting around the edges following quite some distance away (100m+) from the hot spot of diving terns at the head of steam.
Softbaits seem to be working well for snapper well behind the surface action.
It’s worth trying a BIG softbait like 10inch on a small ¼ oz/7gm jighead – nice and gentle wafting descent and a sizeable meal for a lurking big red or kingfish. Whereas nearer the surface furore and hard charging action at the frontline microjigs are the go!
Whether 20gm or tiny 7gm, the thrills and spills are pure, with easy casting on your lightweight softbait spin gear.
Cast all around and don’t get fixed too much with the spearhead of the action – the bigger fish often swirl around over larger areas looking for stragglers, this is where you can pick up good sized fish lurking around. How about throwing out a tiny and easy to use 20 or 35gm stickbait like a Zingaz on your softbait gear?!
Further out in the open gulf, similar scenes – with a bit more oomph, particularly when a larger pod of common dolphins round up a baitball, and the big girl (Brydes whale) comes crashing in and grabs a just a few thousand baitfish…the resulting chaos is truly epic to experience, whether you are actively fishing or just enjoying the incredible spectacle.
If you are fishing the panic attack style – absolutely enjoy lighter tackle if you wish, but perhaps start with heavier gear to make that fish-bin look right i.e. fish in it.
Then change out to lighter gear for the sheer enjoyment of fishing. Good times.
How to fish even better with lures 100% baitfree at your local? The new ‘normal’ means I can now present in-person seminars with clubs, tackle stores, interest groups, companies, ladies only nights & more…
The primary aims are to hands-on demonstrate highly effective lure, softbait and jig fishing techniques, how you choose the best lure for where you fish, easy-learn slow pitch/jigging/softbaiting techniques in an interesting and memorable way.
Also showing exactly what the fish see with water-tank demos along with unique underwater footage never seen before, fish attacking lures, real EYE-OPENERS that will change your understanding of how fish strike, for the better. Keen?
Get in touch: Grant@catchfishing.co.nz
or captainespresso007@gmail.com
or private message via Facebook:
Grant Bittle Capt. Espresso.
Lot’s of really good chatter around about the famous Hutchwilco Boat Show in a few days time too, I’ll be there on the Catch Fishing stand – do come and say hi!
This report is supplied by Grant 'Espresso' Bittle from Catch and Wave Dancer Charters.
For Wave Dancer Charters: Visit www.wavedancer.co.nz

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