Hauraki Gulf
fishing report
November 29, 2024

Bryde's whales are moving closer to Auckland, making for exciting fishing opportunities in the Hauraki Gulf, with solid snapper, kingfish, and kahawai catches to be had.
The whales have been spotted closer in to Auckland, with more than one of the big Bryde's whales pictured below moving in from the Jellicoe Channel, following the bait schools on offer. They have been engaging in spectacular feeding frenzies, providing an awe-inspiring sight for those lucky enough to witness it, along with fast, easy fishing too.
These closer sightings, east of Flat Rock and straight out from Omaha, offer an opportunity for intense sights, sounds, and smells while readily hooking up on well-conditioned snapper (very few milky-fleshed ones lately, by the way). It's been quick limits for many—just watch out for fishing in the no-go cable zone!
Some solid kingfish have come in for a piece of the workup action, targeting the highly nutritious pilchards on offer. Targeting these green 'n gold monsters by the workups is a good plan with the right approach, and there has been a good supply of even bigger kings at Great Barrier, particularly on the inside of Arid Island—absolutely primed for topwater thrills. Make sure you are 100% ready before hookup though, as they don’t fight fair!
The inshore Waitematā areas are starting to show promising signs of the annual snapper influx. It's really good to see more consistent surface and sounder activity around the Noises, Ahaas, and Northern Waiheke, with some front-running snapper heading along the annual fish highways and channels of Motuhie and Rangitoto, with many making their way right into the Tāmaki Strait downtown area. Kahawai and some solid snapper are already showing themselves along the downtown area, with good catches. Soft baits are the way to go.
Start your fishing using smaller, lightly weighted soft baits—these are the top pick right now, and not just for early morning or late afternoon. Midday or even night fishing can be surprisingly productive too. Let your soft bait touch down on the sea floor as you drift, then give a few short sharp twitches of the rod to make your soft bait rise just a foot or two, and let it dive back down to the sea floor, mud-puffs ‘n all. Feel a tap-tap? Strike time! Your setup: a 7ft+ lightweight rod, a 2000-3000 size spin reel, 20lb braid (max.), 15-20lb leader, and a ½ oz jig head with a 3-5 inch soft bait. Oh, happy summer snapper hookups!
Not a lot of inshore birds or bait school activity has been noticed in the past week or two out from the North Shore, southern Whangaparāoa Peninsula, and similar shallow areas. However, a few land-based anglers have caught some beautiful snapper off the rocks. The general activity and increase in snapper numbers should happen any day now—fingers crossed.
The Fishing School is Coming
A limited series of educational workshops is coming up for you and a fishing friend, or perhaps it could make a wonderful and 100% appreciated Christmas present—whether you enjoy being out on a boat, kayak, or PWC (like these twin black-beauties heading out this week to a lucky couple). How good can your fishing be? There’s only one way to find out, with more confirmed dates and details to be announced very shortly. The first class starts 1-2 pm on Saturday, February 2nd, at Farnley’s Yamaha North Shore, Auckland. Please stay in touch, seats are limited, and bookings are essential. Email: fishingcoachpro@gmail.com. You know it's everything you do well before hookup that ensures your fishing success.
For more detailed insights and fishing tips, visit www.fishingcoachpro.com for expert advice, options, and updates, ensuring that you make the most of your fishing experience. Happy fishing, and enjoy the wonderful sea-world we have on our doorstep—see you out there!

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