Hauraki Gulf
fishing report
April 23, 2021

Kahawai galore! BUT even these fish can be blinkered at times!? Yes the thrill of those powerful hook-ups and runs from mega kahawai are super fun, especially when they are thick in the water and hungry however even kahawai can be one eyed and ‘just say no’ at times. Trolling a little lure like a Lil’ Squidwings or reverse rigged microjig (trailing hook) is usually very effective but this week trolling was a no go, lots of followers but few takers, frustrating stuff. So a change of tactic to the microjigs worked vertically in the water coloumn, DISCO, fishes on! These prime fish, some well in roe are huge, and perfect fish for a big smoke-up over this ANZAC weekend.
The end of Whangaparaoa peninsula/Tiri channel you could near walk on them as well as many other areas around the inner gulf. Simply awesome stuff.
The snapper bite returns as planned/hoped, good solid specimens are out in the mid gulf workups. Lots of quiet open areas too though.
However, when the need to feed is like it is then well-performing inchikus can be the outstanding go-to lure. Hookups on the drop are common, especially with inchikus with extended hang time – which allows the bottom feeding fish like snapper to feel and see it descending, then rise and strike the panicked morsel.
A highly effective, economic and thoroughly enjoyable way to catch fish, professional angler or complete novice no experience required! Tie your leader to the correct point and your lure can work like magic, Inchiku are one of the few lures to tie your leader to the jig itself, NOT the solid ring of the hook like most jigs.
The Catch range of inchiku has the eye of the lure naturally placed at the head of the lure, so to tie the leader to that end of the lure with the eyes – then as you gradually wind the lure up, the eyes are at the top, perfect. Try different colours for sure. And when you’re having a cuppa just drifting along somewhere – have one out being looked after by Rod Holder.
Drop the inchiku to the sea floor and wind up just 1 or 2 winds on the reel, this is 1-2 metres up. As you drift along bobbing on the sea surface this imparts a beautiful fluid motion to the lure, and a well designed inchiku will falter, flutter and waiver along, inducing strikes from all sorts of species that after a quick feed of this hapless struggling baitfish.
The design features make these two styles of inchiku stand-out successes:
Boss Squid - Catch Fishing
Beta Bug inchiku jig by Catch Fishing
Kingfish to have upped their game too and are keen on some arm stretching – the usual pinnacles and reefy hangouts around the gulf – but also don’t forget those inner channel markers and buoys. A quiet drift past and throw a stick bait, or soft bait first thing in the morning? Beautiful.
Inshore areas – some rather nice snapper and trevally are around, especially good to target near anchovy schools, for example the Waiheke/Rakino channels have them at the moment, as well as with the kahawai schools of northern Waiheke, Noises, Whangaparaoa – all worth looking around for then throwing out a microjig like the tungsten Pocket Rocket, superb shallow water fishing.
Have a GREAT time over this long weekend whether land based, inshore or offshore, April is simply superb to appreciate and enjoy how truly lucky we are.
This report is supplied by Grant 'Espresso' Bittle from Catch and Wave Dancer Charters.

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