Hauraki Gulf
fishing report
November 11, 2021

Ed note: It’s not too hard to catch snapper at the moment, pretty much anywhere inshore or around the fairly obvious workups. Almost too easy and just about every lure in the shop seems to work if you find the fish on the chew. Bite times and moon phases can be really important, so check those bite times either side of the tides to make sure you are in the zone at the right time. Kawau is fishing very well, and you don’t have to go far for a good feed if you are launching from anywhere around there. Personally, at this time of year when snapper are spawning, I like to self-impose a limit, knowing it’s plenty easy to get back out there again another day. The really big snapper go back, and the ideal 40cm eaters come home 😊 It’s prime time lure fishing, so if you have been thinking of joining the revolution and leaving the bait at home, even a rod in the rod holder will get the job done at the moment, so maybe have a crack at a new type of fishing to renew that passion.

The Espresso Report 11 November 2021
Whales having a whale of a time, dolphins grinning widely back at you while doing aerial acrobatics, and lots of fish - from the pilchard which seems to be flavour of the week to solid snapper and depending on where you are lots of kahawai, or none at all – couldn’t find one if you tried.
Good tidal current, good moon and good water temps on the upward climb, all good, all good indeed.
Out in the open waters of the Hauraki Gulf are vast areas of pilchards getting hounded, whales spillage providing snapper down below with some excellent nutrition...so take the hint, softbaits and lures like a Power Pilchard and Pocket Rocket will get more attention simply by looking like part of the food supply wafting down from above, whether there is active feeding going on above or not. Lots of activity still in the surrounds of Anchorite rock – but there’s so much happening right up and down the coast, the animal kingdom does not know about lockdowns, it is full throttle life in the fast lane out there.
Simply drift fishing most places in 30m or more will return good snapper of various sizes, from small pannies to big thumping males – and how wonderful it is to see not only such solid snapper but the vast majority of them being put back successfully after a quick photo. Many 20lb plus snapper have been caught, and most released, how truly fulfilling not only to catch such a magnificent fish and at the end of the day having a BBQ showing off the picture of the magnificent beast, while that big ol’ boy is back in his home getting ready for another day too, triple bonus.
Great to see so many responsible and courteous anglers, boats, skis etc moving calmly and carefully around workup activity. When there are several sounders making a racket right throughout the water column – annoying at least, perhaps preventing or stopping the workup in its tracks?
Here’s a tip to help your fellow warm blooded mammals, the dolphins and whales provide you with fish. Unless you are actively using your sounder/sonar to confirm what you are experiencing, best to turn it off yeah? Rather than wonder why the workup you are attending moves off – perhaps you caused it with your annoying sounder(s)? A bit like a neighbour playing a stereo too loud, whump whump whump – gets on your wick ay!
Now imagine several neighbours all playing different music at the same time. Easy fix – turn your sounder off, you’re not using it anyway, but sound communication and echo location is how our aquatic brothers hunt and maintain a workup. Silence is golden.
Orca! Absolutely delighting boaties particularly around Kawau lately with their captivating smile, sheer size and playful looking antics in the shallows, turning upside down flailing their prey the ray, quite an incredible sight.
If you do see Orca you may as well put your rods away and enjoy the spectacle for a while, fishing tends to go very quiet and still when these top predators are in town. An International documentary is being filmed right here until Christmas so help make them famous and help with their protection – if you see or hear of Orca just call 0800 FILM UW and let them know roughly where. @SteveHathaway is doing extraordinary work with these big beautiful mammals, help our big mates out.
This report is supplied by Grant 'Espresso' Bittle from Catch and Wave Dancer Charters.
For Wave Dancer Charters: Visit www.wavedancer.co.nz

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