Wellington / Kapiti
fishing report
September 11, 2020

Wellington Harbour By boat - Some nice snapper, gurnard and trevs have been caught recently from Pt Halswell to Falcon Shoal as well as south and western sides of Ward Island. The edge of the shipping channel and around the harbour entrance have been going well for big bluecod, gurnard and kahawai Shore based - It's nice to see the return of the kahawai, along with whitebait, pretty much all over the harbour at different times and days. Evans Bay has been particularly busy with kahawai schooling up from the Coastguard building along to Cobham drive and over to Miramar wharf. There's been a nice spring run of gurnard at places like Greta Pt (Niwa) and various other points around the bay as well.
South coast
By boat - Good cod and teris from 40mtr down to 100mtr at most reefy spots.
As a general rule, Karori is better for the bluecod, and Turakerei is better for the teris along with other places like Baring head, the Wreck, around the marine reserve and the Airport reef.
Fitzroy bay is a nice calm spot for a feed of cod, teri, gurnard and trevally. Its particularly good if conditions are a big rough out wide.
Shore based - Kahawai, the odd nice bluecod, gurnard and trevally are around places like Fitzroy bay, Wainui, Pencarrow while White rock and 'the Spit' are a good bet for spotty sharks, a possible moki or elephantfish and a general mixed bag of other ooglies.
West Coast
By boat - Still some puka getting caught off Makara and Ohau but the bigger ones are harder to get at this time of the year due to spawning.
There's been some good schools of warehou around place like Boom, Ohau, Hunters and Fishermans. Snapper are biting better in the deeper water (over 50mtrs) but there are still some shallower ones especially from Pukerua bay northwards.
Plenty of kingis have been hooked out at Hunters bank lately.
It’s been quite productive over the last two winters but of course not every day. The fish tend to be a bit deeper in the winter (50-70mtr).
Kapiti - Better snapper fishing in the 50+ mtr areas. good tarakihi on the south end and still
Kingis on the North.
Durville - Big snapper and Kingi time at Stephens passage (80-120mtr)
Surf casting
It's a good time to target tarakihi, tervally and warehou on the shingle beaches from Titahi bay down to Ohau pt. The odd snapper may still be on the cards.

With the strong North – west winds dominating Palliser bay and the south east coast could be the smart spots to fish this week if you’re keen

Report provided by PETE LAMB FISHING
027 443 9750
Shop - 15 Kingsford Smith St, Rongotai

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