Wellington / Kapiti
fishing report
June 10, 2022

True winter fishing conditions at the moment, which sees us slow right down in the bait shop, but on the flip side, does allow us to get out on the good days and get some fishing in. When you can actually peg the window, the fishing can be really awesome, and we’ve enjoyed that on a few occasions in the last couple of weeks.

The fish are in incredible condition, whether snaps, or puka, the fat content is high and the fish are in their best shape for eating.
Snapper fishing in particular is good when you get it right, with plenty of big fish around, and in good numbers, from the shore and the boat too.
We fished the spit off Ocean beach and were inundated by kahawai, which is only good if that’s what you’re after.
Where I should have been was over at Whangamoana (east of Lake Ferry towards Palliser Bay) where they were catching decent snapper from late afternoon into the evening, including some really nice fish up to nearly six kilos.
We had a couple of good charters last week, and enjoyed some great snapper fishing off Plimmerton straight off the bat, out in about 40 metres off the sand, and we had reports of good snapper fishing off Vern’s as well.
The surfcasting is still good once the water is right, with good moki and plenty of snapper being landed from all the popular haunts.
Pretty much any reef structure around the coast is capable of producing big winter snapper at the moment right in to five metres, and you’ll also get them out in the deep, and off the sand if you work hard enough to find them.
It’s the getting out there that’s the hard part, and that makes it great fun for those that have the luxury of being able to get away when the windows open mid-week.

027 443 9750
Shop - 15 Kingsford Smith St, Rongotai

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