Central North Island - Freshwater
fishing report
December 3, 2021

Heading into summer now and Taupo fishing continues to improve both in quality and numbers. Trolling on the lake during the day with traditional leadline has been working well with the traditional favourites still going strong. The small black toby, white and light coloured zebra and tassie devils and the smaller size chinook lures all catching fish. A smelt type fly in front of the lure has also been a key ingredient. Harling has been one of the most successful methods on the lake at the moment and certainly one of the most enjoyable methods when fishing by boat or kayak.
Normally associated with change of light fishing only this year has seen harling throughout the day successfully targeting smelting fish in the shallower waters.
Smaller Pat Swift smelt flies on a #6 such as Grey Ghost, Jack Spratt, Parsons Glory and yellow and white rabbits will do the damage. A long leader of 15-20 feet of 6-8lb fluro is key along with plenty of backing behind 1 or 2 colours of lead behind the boat.
Fly fishing for these smelting fish is by far one of my favourite times of the year. Its not always a numbers game as its very dependent on the right conditions and being “Johnny on the spot” but on a good day you can liken it to bone fishing on the flats in the Bahamas!!
You need to pick a nice sunny day, although not essential it helps with the spotting. I will seek out the shallow sandy type beaches that the smelt prefer for spawning and prefer a light to moderate wind.
It is then a matter of walking until you see activity, ideally bust ups on the surface or fish cruising the edges of the beach. In most cases long casts are not required so just for fun I use really light old fiberglass rods or short 8’3” dry fly rods. 90% of the time a floating WF line is all you need.
A clear intermediate line or slow sink can be useful as a backup if it chops up and the fish are still feeding. A tapered leader is essential, I use a 10’ to a 6lb point.
A lot of your shots are only a few metres away so it is essential you get your fly to turn over.

Apart from that a box of smelt flies, some spare leader, a good pair of polaroids, shorts and a good hat and you are away.
I will walk the beach keeping one eye open for bust ups way out of reach but noting the general position and direction the fish are heading, and the other eye on the shoreline right under my nose for the lone cruisers.
Very often they will work a set route around an open area of sand for example. I will always walk with enough line out of the rod to make a short cast and hold the fly so ready to make a quick cast. I will wait for the fish to turn away and pop the fly on his route and as the trout approaches very often a small twitch is all you need and the will charge it down.

Best conditions are when they are working as a small pack together causing bust ups. These fish are on the move and work the smelt shoals at quite a speed so I will practically run down the beach to the action, try and work out the direction they are heading and get a fly out to them as quickly as possible.
It’s really great fun but be prepared for some long walks between fish and some days when the weather changes its all over, but the rewards far outweigh the negatives.
I don’t know anywhere in the world where you can do this style of fishing in such amazing surroundings.
We hope NZ is able to have a fantastic summer season.
We will be here in shop so feel free to call in, say hello, and get the latest updates on fishing our wonderful region
Report provided by Hunting & Fishing Taupo
Get into your Lake Taupo fishing this summer with Fly & Gun Hunting & Fishing Taupo.
We all hunt and fish locally so come in and say hello and get the good oil!!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/HuntFishTaupo/
PH: 07-378 4449

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